
Article Research

Today you'll be scouring the internet looking for articles that give you some insight & support relating to your HOT TOPIC (not the store, just a topic that is controversial).

While you research (using your Google Like a Boss skills) don't forget to keep track of your sources using EasyBib.com.

Also, don't forget that the internet is FULL of websites that are not credible!  Use your credibility notes to help you weed through the crud & find the good stuff!

You are responsible for copying the following letter, pasting it into a Word document, & filling in the blanks.  Don't forget to add your name -- turn in a print out when you're done!

Dear Ms. Livezey,

I am researching (insert your topic here).  I chose this topic because (tell me why this topic interests you).  Here are 3 articles I found about the topic (please include the websites):

1) _________________________________________________
2) _________________________________________________
3) _________________________________________________

With Much Excitement (YAY RESEARCH!),
(your name here)


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