
ENG 9: Argument Assignment

Choose an argument that you would like to research.  Choose something that you are PASSIONATE about -- if you don't care about the topic, you won't argue well!

You can copy & paste the questions into a Word document, answer them, add your name, & print a copy for Miss Livezey.  This is called your TOPIC SUBMISSION.
  1. What are you arguing for/against?
  2. Why are you arguing for/against this topic?  In other words, why does this interest you?
  3. Find 3 DIFFERENT SUPPORTING POINTS for your side of the argument.
  4. What is the opposing side of the argument?  How will you shut the argument down?
The remainder of the block should be spent finding supporting facts, sources, & developing an outline for your argument using this website.  This is called your ARGUMENT OUTLINE.

Use easybib.com to keep track of your resources!

When you are done, start on your first draft.

Due by end of class 11.17.14:
  • Topic submission -- print & submit!
  • Argument outline -- print & submit!
  • Progress on rough draft (whatever you have done) -- print & submit!
Due by end of class 11.18.14:
  • Entire rough draft (print & submit!) WITH peer revisions -- make sure you write your name on the paper you're revising for a classmate!
Due by end of class 11.19.14:
  • Final draft -- if you're not done, it's due for homework by the start of class, THURSDAY MORNING!  No exceptions! -- print & submit!
  • ACES essay: Is it important to be passionate about an argument?  Why/why not?  Write a 3 paragraph ACES essay explaining your answer, citing evidence, & summarizing your thoughts.  Print & submit!
PLEASE remember to save all of your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do not start from scratch every day, that's wiggity wack.


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