
News Story Narrative

Today you'll be starting your Unit 1 Summarizing Task!  This is your biggest grade for this unit, so please give a strong effort.

Remember the computer lab rules: no phones, headphones, food, or drink.  Break the rules & I take your stuff for the weekend ... just think of how lonely it will be without your phone!

After you log on & READ ALL OF THE DIRECTIONS, you must find a news story.  I suggest using the following sites:

  • http://www.bbc.com/
  • http://www.msnbc.com/
  • https://news.google.com/
Make sure your news story can be plotted on the story arc, otherwise, it's going to be really hard to turn it into a story!

Print out the news article.  If you need help with this, please let me know -- I don't want to waste paper unnecessarily!

Once you've printed your story, plot it on a story arc on the back of the print out -- make sure you include all 5 parts!  Add your name to the top of the print out so you can get credit for this portion of the assignment.

Start your draft, you can type it on the computer, just make sure you save it as Lastname.Firstname.021315 & print me a copy!

This is what we will be working on the entire block.  If you get off task, I will kick you off the computer & you can do your project by hand.


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