
Senior Heroic Tale


  • Minimum 3 pages, double spaced, Timers New Roman 12 pt font.
  • Must include 5 different uses of figurative language. If you don't know what that means, 1) that's problematic and 2) educate yourself.
  • Must follow the 12 steps of the Heroic Journey Cycle:
    • Ordinary World: This step refers to the hero's normal life at the start of the story, before the adventure begins. 
    • Call to Adventure: The hero is faced with something that makes him begin his adventure. This might be a problem or a challenge he needs to overcome. 
    • Refusal of the Call: The hero attempts to refuse the adventure because he is afraid. 
    • Meeting with the Mentor: The hero encounters someone who can give him advice and ready him for the journey ahead.  
    • Crossing the First Threshold: The hero leaves his ordinary world for the first time and crosses the threshold into adventure.  
    • Tests, Allies, Enemies: The hero learns the rules of his new world. During this time, he endures tests of strength of will, meets friends, and comes face to face with foes.
    • Approach: Setbacks occur, sometimes causing the hero to try a new approach or adopt new ideas. 
    • Ordeal: The hero experiences a major hurdle or obstacle, such as a life or death crisis. 
    • Reward: After surviving death, the hero earns his reward or accomplishes his goal. 
    • The Road Back: The hero begins his journey back to his ordinary life.
    • Resurrection of the Hero: The hero faces a final test where everything is at stake and he must use everything he has learned.  
    • Return with Elixir: The hero brings his knowledge or the "elixir" back to the ordinary world, where he applies it to help all who remain there.  

  • Due Friday, March 11, 2016 at 2:20 pm WHETHER YOU ARE SICK OR HEALTHY.
  • If you do not know how to write creatively, you can reinvent an old story.
  • If you are not working on this during the lab time, I will take off points and possibly sell your phone on eBay.