
Week One

We made it through the first week!
Last week was all about getting back into the routine of school & setting up classroom expectations, rules, & procedures.  Students were introduced to DEAR (Drop Everything And READ) & practiced DEAR every day for the last 20 minutes of class.  Together, all three blocks racked up 4,040 minutes of DEAR time!
The books from our Donors Choose project are piling up & students have a great library to devour.  I've received some requests from students & we'll be starting a wish list to post on the sidebar of this website.
English 9 worked on setting up their INBs, or Interactive Notebooks.  These notebooks will document their journey as scholars of English -- we will include notes, warm ups, hand outs, foldables, charts, & readings accumulated throughout the school year.
AP English 11 learned the importance of being informed consumers of information -- I encourage all students to find a way to easily access current events on a daily basis.  An easy way to do this is to create a Twitter & follow various news outlets like BBC, AP, CNN, MSNBC, FOX, & Al Jazeera.  Diversifying the exposure helps students get a more well-rounded understanding of the world outside of the classroom, & students can make the Twitter private so that they are not "searchable".
I'm really glad to have a great group of students this semester-- I know we'll accomplish a lot together!


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