
Counterargument Paper

This week, you'll be working on creating a counterargument that contrasts the original argument paper you submitted a few weeks ago.  You have a VERY limited amount of time to work on this so you should be on task & focused.

Due by the end of the block today:
  1. Your first paragraph of your counterargument, including a CLEAR, STRONG thesis.
  2. 3 supporting facts from REPUTABLE sources.
SAVE THIS AS A FILE TITLED LastnameFirstnameCOUNTERARGUMENT (replace Lastname with your last name, Firstname with your first name).  Print a copy for Miss Livezey.

You must have your file saved & printed by 10:15 (first block) & 11:50 (second block).  You must be logged off by 10:20 (first block) & 11:55 (second block).

If you finish early, play the review quiz.


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