
English IV Current Events

  1. Find a current event from a CREDIBLE news source. By credible, I mean a reliable source that is well known. A few examples would be CNN, MSNBC, Fox, Time, The New York Times, Al Jazeera, BBC News, etc.
  2. Print out the article.
  3. Open a new Word document.
  4. Copy and paste the following questions into the document and answer them:
    • Summarize this current event in your own words.
    • Why did you choose this current event?
    • How does this current event affect you? Even if something happens on the other side of the world, it can still affect you. Connect the dots for me and tell me why this current event matters to you/the rest of the world!
    • Do you think this current event will have any further impact?
  5. Save the document in the following format -- go to my folder (LIVEZEY) and save as yourlastname.yourfirstinitial.currentevent.0212
  6. Make sure your name is at the top and print out your response. 


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