
AVID This I Believe

This I Believe Essay Requirements
  • Focused on Andrews.
  • If it addresses a problem, you focus on possible solutions.
  • If it is more positive, you focus on how we can get better.
  • Include a minimum of 3 supporting details/examples to support your claim.
  • Keep it interesting.
  • 1 page requirement, Times New Roman 12 pt.
This is going to be the FIRST PAGE of your Senior Legacy Book -- it will be the first thing that your audience sees and it will set the tone for your whole book.

Year By Year Outline
  • For each year, I want you to list at least 5 topics that you will address.
  • These can be focused on academic life, social life, college prep life, etc.
  • REMEMBER -- you are an AVID senior ... you should incorporate an AVID strategy for each year! It doesn't have to be as AVID-aligned as WICOR or Cornell Notes, but it has to have a college focus.


  1. hi how are y'all doing this is me just checking up on how your doing

  2. Jessica we know that you want kanye to be president

  3. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ac/34/01/ac34011a40a23f40829d9a11db5b72aa.jpg
